To all those living in the ‘Green Zone’

2 min readApr 20, 2020

On a fine Sunday Morning, My brother came to the home after a quick visit to a superstore. He came and marched straight into the chair.

‘Please wash your hands, change your clothes’ — Me, Anti Corona Police Officer of our home, insisted him.

‘Why are you so much after me when you know that there is no case in our city’ — my brother shouted at me, somewhat irritated.

That day, in the evening, news came that one person had died in the city from COVID-19.

From no cases to one DEATH!

According to stats, if a person has died from COVID-19, In India, There are chances that he/she might have infected 409 people, considering the area and density of the population we live in.

The following Sunday after that news, Yesterday, Cases have risen to some 21. Even one more person has died.

So only in a week, Our district, went to the RED zone from the GREEN zone.

Today, we have 25 official cases (God knows asymptomatic and unofficial numbers) and a strict curfew in the city including our area.

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This can be an example of any city in any country in the world.

So if you are finding excuses to go out, to not to wash your hands, to not to change your clothes, to not to use sanitiser, to not to support rules of Government, JUST DON’T.

One case, one hot spot in the city, and therefore a single day added to lockdown in our countries costing us so much that we cannot even comprehend!

Though we have to be at home all the time, we are in the lucky ones of worlds population, aren’t we? -That we get to play, eat well, rest for the day while not worry about earnings.

So let’s be responsible this time.

Let’s contribute to our nation, to mankind!

All we have to do is to care of ourselves and stay home.




I write to solidify my believes, to question, to understand the world within and around. May reading it helps you too!